How to determine which process is highly memory consuming over time

A little while back i had a problem with a customers server which were consuming all memory within a short time. I was wondering how i could track which process or processes this were due to, and decided to make a small script to run over night where i knew the memory usage would blow up.


 while true
   exec >> ./mem_logger.log
   printf "\n\n"
   echo "--------------------------------------"
   echo "--------------------------------------"
   printf "\n"
   ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,user,command | sort -k 1 -nr | head -n 5
   sleep 30;

Run this in the background with:

$ ./mem_logger.bash &

Every 30 second it will run the following command with a timestamp in the output, and append it to a file (we use the exec command to global redirect all stdout to mem_logger.log):

$ ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,user,command | sort -k 1 -nr | head -n 5


ps is the process command

-e is the same as -A and means to show other users processes aswell

-o is a flag to filter what options and informations to show (in this case pmem, pcpu, vsize, pid, user, and command)

Then we pipe to sort from key 1 with numeric sorting (the first row which is pmem - we chose this with -o).

Then we pipe to head which, in this case, will show us the 5 first lines. The top 5 memory consuming processes. You can also change this if you want more than the top 5 processes in your file.

The output will be something like the following:

Now you will have a file (mem_logger.log) with the ps commands output over a time span. This gives you a lot of great options to determine what process or program to debug. A good idea is to use other UNIX utils to analyse mem_logger.log.

Feel free to comment. I am very interested to hear how you have determined memory problems, or if you know some great utils to track this.


If you want to monitor CPU instead, just change around on the -o arguments:


 while true
   exec >> ./cpu_logger.log
   printf "\n\n"
   echo "--------------------------------------"
   echo "--------------------------------------"
   printf "\n"
   ps -eo pcpu,pmem,vsize,pid,user,command | sort -k 1 -nr | head -n 30
   sleep 30;