Great Apache 2.4 VirtualHost template

Great Apache 2.4 VirtualHost template for good performance setup. Standard configuration, logging, headers, compression, deflate, caching, and other stuff: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin administrator@ »

How to extend Linux LVM disk

First of all (prerequisite) extend volume on virtualization platform, or add a new disk. Login to the machine with the extended disk. To get an overview »

How to create a SOCKS proxy server through SSH

Socket Secure (SOCKS) is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 additionally provides authentication so only »

Juniper SRX CLI cheatsheet

Introduction Learning Juniper SRX at the moment. This cheatsheet was a part of my learning. About Juniper SRX »

How to find growing files on Linux

This may become handy, if you are logged in to a machine, which you do not know much about, but where you can see that the »

A simple guide on logrotate

This is tested on CentOS 6.5, where logrotate is native. Can be installed on Debian-based distros aswell with: $ apt-get install logrotate Introduction Logrotate is a »

Puppet: escape "/" in sed-command

I did a simple find/replace with sed in my Puppet exec-block, but ran into a problem with escaping the /-character. You can't escape characters with »

Puppet: fix SSL mismatch error

I have been doing a bit of log messages cleanup, in relation to a new Puppet setup i have done. After a bit of deprecation fixing, »

See MySQL processes each second

A few days ago, i needed to analyze the MySQL processes of a server, as it was very important that nothing heavy was running. So here »

Some thoughts on Vagrant

Vagrant is great, because it makes it easy to share 100% identical development enviroments, and in general makes everything really consistent for your workflow with VM's. »

Latest projects: and

Match'n'grow Introduction A matchup platform for people and startup companies. This project was initiated by Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen School of entrepreneurship). I had worked for »

SSH fundamentals, CSSH and Fabric.

The idea behind this post is to inform readers what is possible with SSH, and how to use it. If you have anything to correct or »

Prevent intrusion with Fail2ban

Some people are using Fail2ban, and some are using DenyHosts - i like Fail2ban because the configuration is simpler, and it can be used for more »

Which ports are being used?

Netstat is a tool to get an overview of network connections and interfaces. You can get a detailed list of ports being used of what connections »

Four Linux server monitoring tools

Here is four strong monitoring tools i would like to present for you. htop - interactive process viewer You may know the standard tool for watching »